2013년 10월 12일 토요일

My first blogging

Hello, fellows!

This is my first blogging, so I'm a little concerned.

The reason why I haven't started blogging is that I do not want to reveal my private life to others and that I thought blogging is kind of bragging oneself. These thoughts of mine haven't changed yet, but I'll try blogging and then I'll decide whether I'll continue or stop.

Thought #1
: Having one's own blog is not difficult, but rather really easy.

Because I haven't been blogging so far, I didn't know how to make and what to do. But, it wasn't difficult to make my own blog thanks to the blog templet. Well, if I use the blog for the class, I can make all of my students make their own blog easily.

 Thought #2
: Blog can be on-line class, which is the extension of the class.

While uploading my writing in my blog, I realized that this one blog can be a place where my students can share their ideas and discuss a certain topic or class subject.

Well, there will be so many things I can learn from this blogging.
Please wish me to go on.^^

댓글 1개:

  1. Dear Keong-sub Yeon, nice to meet you. We're in the same group for the E-teacher programme. :) I'm Diana.

    I also feel the same about privacy. We can always control and limit what other people see on our blog or on the other Social Network.

    Blogging is surely fun. You'll get used to the tools to set up your blog. You can even change the templates, fonts and colours to make your blog look interesting.

    All the best! :)
